Tag Archives: Life


Do you ever feel like you’re a puppet in someone else’s life? That every move you make, every action you do, every word you say or do not say is somehow controlled by someone else? You carefully choose the words to keep to yourself and which one to say out loud, only because you’re afraid of what they might think or of hurting them?

You try so hard to pull away and be your own person, but in the end still find yourself doing things according to how they would feel, act, respond etc. Of course there is that time you get so angry and think “I don’t care if this hurts them or not, I’m gonna do as I please and say what I think”? And maybe for a couple of minutes you contemplate the idea of doing as you please and forget about how they would feel, and for a couple of minutes you feel like yourself again; yet that small precious moment suddenly disappears and you find yourself a puppet once again.

It’s a cruel thing to think that your life is not your own. To think that the one person who makes you happy is also the reason you can be completely and utterly devastated with your life. But the worst part is when you are so down because of them and they don’t give a damn about it, and yet you still totally depend on their change of mind/heart in order to make you better. This is the part where you realize you are a real puppet.

You pull away for a moment, only to realize that your master had merely slightly loosened the ropes, to make you believe that you could actually escape. How cruel is it that you only get a make-believe of your freedom? To be constantly reminded that you cannot escape, that no matter how much you pull and grapple, you’ll never be completely free.

And then you start asking yourself questions of how you ever let this happen. When did you become a puppet? When did you let someone else have so much control over your own life? How did you not see it and stop it?

But then again, all this is pointless now and you are left lifting arms, and making steps that are not your own, saying words that aren’t yours and hiding the things you really want to say.

Pull on puppet-master. Pull on your strings and make me sing and dance to your tune.


Posted by on April 26, 2016 in Me. You. US, Social Life, The Globe


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Take a Breath

Close your eyes

Take a breath

Open your arms

Reach out to the world

You will find what

You have been looking for.

Don’t be afraid

Of the road ahead of you

There are obstacles

Many times you will fall

Just look up and you

will find me

I’ll be there to lift you up

Just reach out

And I’ll be there

Close your eyes

Take a breath

Don’t be afraid to call out

There’s a friend waiting for you

Just call out

Close your eyes

Take a breath.


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Posted by on March 16, 2016 in Poetry, Tori's Poetry


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I see them all

I saw the way you

looked at me

like I was some kind

of a lost cause

a thing in desperate need

of rescue

I saw the way you were


Like the things you said

were too gruesome

for me to hear

I see the way you avoid me

like an infectious disease

you pas so far

away from me

so as to not get infected

I can see them all

I see them all

I understand them all


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Many people think that you love a person because they are perfect. It couldn’t be further from the truth.

The way you love someone, the way you look at them and treat them, the way you appreciate them and take care of them, that is what makes them perfect. You do not love a person because they are perfect, you love them in a manner that from your eyes, they are perfect.

You love them despite their flaws. We all have flaws, each and everyone of us. These flaws are the reason why we are not perfect, it is the reason why we love despite these flaws. Trying to deny that you have these flaws is denying who you are. A person who loves you will also love your flaws, because they are who you are. They will overlook these flaws because once you truly love someone, those flaws are just like any other attribute that defines them.

A person is perfect because you love them. Don’t expect someone to be perfect for you to love them, because they’ll never be. They’ll only be perfect from your eye, by the way you look at them, the way you make them feel, the way you get through things and live through the obstacles that life throws at you both – that is the only way you will feel that the person you love is perfect.

Perfection is not an attribute we have, it is a gift that you bestow upon the person you love wholeheartedly, unconditionally – you will never even notice their flaws

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Posted by on February 18, 2016 in Drama, Me. You. US, Social Life, The Globe


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Scary, Terrifying, Absolutely

There is this crazy, scary, terrifying thing called Love.
It comes out of nowhere.
Takes a hold of you without hesitation
Throws you against the wall and holds you there
It has no warning
And definitely no Mercy.
It does not choose who is the victim
You’ll never see it coming,
It’s not that easy.

Somehow it has a way of just happening,
and no matter how hard you try to fight it.
The weird part is that the harder you fight,
the more it takes a hold of you.
It will take you up and then bring you down just as fast,
and you might have thought the up was amazing
but oh,
you cannot begin to fathom how completely horrifying the down is

You may want to run,
Yet even the other end of the world will not be able to save you
You might wanna rip out your own heart
Just to make the suffering go away
But the reality remains,
The more you fight it,
The deeper you fall
until at some point you realize
There is nothing left to fight

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Posted by on January 18, 2016 in Me. You. US, Poetry, Social Life, The Globe, Tori's Poetry


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Like a Lucky Blessing

The day I met you was like luck
The kind of luck that comes with like a blessing
My day began like any other
but with time I felt like nothing
Empty and devoid of any emotions
I did not want to be like that
Nor did I welcome the idea of going anywhere
But a force pulled me like a magnet
Had I not met you everything would have been like before
Empty and devoid of any emotions
But like I said
Meeting you was like luck
The kind of luck that comes with like a blessing
Tomorrow I will tell you
How lucky I have been
How blessed I am
To have someone like you
As part of my life.
It certainly is like a lucky blessing.
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Posted by on December 14, 2015 in Faith, Me. You. US, Poetry, Social Life, Tori's Poetry


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For Life or Death

I will start by saying that if you are for the airstrikes being launched against Syria then you might feel offended by what I am going to write – but I am NOT going to apologize for it because these are my views and my blog dictates the freedom of speech.

Henceforth, I was watching a parliament discussion earlier today and it just quite frankly struck me as completely absurd that these people are sitting somewhere out there, in their safe chairs and contemplating whether or not to bomb another country – I mean, seriously? This is another people’s country you are talking about – not yours, not your people or anything, but A TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY FOREIGN COUNTRY. There is no one there of that country who can speak for or against the airstrikes. So how exactly do you just launch into a discussion of whether or not to start killing other people?

Leave alone the fact that it’s a completely different country, but there are also innocent people – millions of them as a matter of fact, and you are just going to bomb  them.

I’m not saying that the terrorists should be left to walk the streets and keep killing – not at all, but you cant just go and start bombing the whole country for the hope – minimal hope at that – that you will kill them in the process.

Do you even know where exactly these terrorists are located? Have you pinpointed their location and are sure where you will drop these bombs will hit their mark? What if you’re wrong? What if you are killing more innocent people than terrorists? Are you willing to live with that on your conscience? And if you are, does it make it alright to just kill? How does that make you any different from those terrorists then? Because you have the power to do it without hiding? Because no one will try to bomb you in your bed? Because you are living off somewhere safe and aren’t even experiencing the horrors of the bombings?

You tell me – is this what the world is going back to? To bombs and mass murder? Because quite frankly, no matter how y’all try to explain these bombings and no matter how much you sit down and talk about it and vote on them – at the end of the day – it’s quite simply MURDER!

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Posted by on December 2, 2015 in The Globe


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Speak Up (The Love Curse)

So, I may have advised you to stand up and speak up for things that you believe are good for you – things that you know will make you a better and greater person – don’t just sit idly by while waiting for things to happen to you, you need to get up and go reach out for what you want.

The one part that I may not have explained and which most people run away from is “Love”, or as I’m beginning to call it “The Love Curse”.

Many people spend their time thinking of someone they are deeply in love with and that is about it – they sit and THINK about them and just expect that that person will miraculously wake up one day and realize he/she loves them back -well guess what, that is a huge pile of bullshit – it ain’t happening. There is no such thing as “a knight in a shining armor.” This is real life – not a fairy-tale story! People forget that when they were kids, there were given those fairy-tale stories just to help them sleep better at night – not to carry them with them into adulthood and start acting like idiots waiting for “Prince Charming.” I mean, c’mon!!! Get real people.

If you love someone, go and tell them – at the end of the day, there are about three possible outcomes.

  1. They will tell you that they feel the same and you will be overjoyed and you have just found the best thing in your life.
  2. they will pretend to feel the same and lead you on for a while before they drop you like a heavy sack of shit after using you.
  3. And third, they will not feel the same way. But the good thing is that at least you are not going to spend the next 5 or 10 years of your life pining for someone who probably hasn’t the slightest clue that you exist and you can finally move on with your life.

So then, there you have it. That’s the only way The Love Curse is gonna work out- it’s hard to call it a blessing because most of the time it is not really one.

If you really look at it, two out of three of the outcomes are a soul-crasher. But so what, life is about taking chances and still come out strong despite the challenges you face. I mean, what’s the alternative? – sit around mopping and hope that your so called soul mate is gonna come find you? Darling, please – Don’t kid yourself.

Truth is love is unpredictable and sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn’t. But you’ll never know if you are one of the few for whom it works out or not if you never take the chance to go and find out. Some people spend ten years together and then one day one of them meets someone who makes them think the world would end if they never spend the rest of their lives together. But if they had just chosen to stay in their comfortable relationship without changing maybe they might have been happy, and maybe they will spend the rest of their lives thinking “What if” – and we all know how poisonous that phrase is.

So there you have it – The Love Curse – sometimes it works out, sometimes it goes completely out of proportion and makes you wish you could die – but you’ll never know which it is if you don’t get up and take a chance.

Leap into The Love Curse and you might just find what you are looking for.

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Posted by on November 20, 2015 in Drama, Me. You. US, Social Life, The Globe


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Speak Up

Most people spend their lives wishing for things. They sit in their comfortable chairs, hidden from the world and just say “I wish”, “If only”, “I want”, and so on. Yet, no one gets out of that comfort zone and start acting upon their thoughts.

When will you learn that just saying it in your head does not make it possible for it to come true.

You have a well paying job, and yet there are more positions, better things to do – which by the way, may also increase your “good paying” to “Great paying”, and yet all you do is sit in that comfortable chair of yours and just keep the possibility of it being you in your head.

You are constantly provided with great opportunities to change the way your life is but you do not try to make it better – because you are too comfortable in your comfort zone to want to disturb it.

There is so much more that you can do with your life. You might think you’re not up to the challenge but just give yourself a chance and you will see you’re so much more than what you think. Life is only as exciting as you want it to be. If you think excitement ends with a good husband/wife, with a few kids at home and a comfortable salary, then that’s all it will ever be.

But if you believe that an exciting life is climbing a mountain, going on road trips once in a while, going to a new country at least every year and meeting new people, working from different vantage points – then that’s what it can be.

Your imagination and belief is what will make your life the way it is. If you are presented with an opportunity, do not just sit by and wait for someone to hand it to you on a silver platter, no; get out of that comfort zone of yours and grab it – fight for it if you must, if you truly believe that you deserve it better than to whom it has been given.

Just Stand up and Speak up in what you believe you deserve.


Posted by on November 19, 2015 in Me. You. US, Social Life, The Globe


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….”it hurts all the time anyway. Like a severed limb, it never stops, sometimes it’s sharper than others, sometimes it’s really unbearable, sometimes you can live with it, but it never stops aching.”

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Posted by on October 4, 2015 in Drama, Me. You. US, Prose, Social Life


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